In order to ensure a safe and comfortable stay for all our guests, we have established the following usage regulations (hereinafter referred to as "these regulations") based on Article 10 of the Accommodation Terms and Conditions. We kindly ask for your cooperation in adhering to them. We also respectfully request that you follow the instructions provided by our staff in accordance with the Accommodation Terms and Conditions and these regulations.

Please note that if you fail to comply with these regulations, we may, in accordance with Article 6 of the Accommodation Terms and Conditions, be left with no choice but to refuse your stay and the use of our facilities.

Additionally, we regret to inform you that the hotel cannot be held responsible for any damages incurred by guests as a result of non-compliance with these regulations. In the event that the hotel incurs damages, guests may be required to compensate for those damages. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Regarding the Use of the Property

  1. Please do not use guest rooms for purposes other than accommodation, such as for commercial or business activities.
  2. Distributing or posting advertisements, or selling goods on the premises without the hotel's permission is not allowed.
  3. Please refrain from conducting promotional activities, such as distributing flyers or collecting signatures, on the hotel grounds.
  4. Please refrain from displaying items that alter the appearance of the property.
  5. Except with our permission, we do not allow minors to stay without adult supervision.

Regarding Guest Rooms

  1. Please lock the door for security during your stay.

  2. When visitors come to your room, please check their identity without unlocking the door and avoid opening it carelessly. Should you encounter any suspicious individuals, immediately contact the front desk at (0980-56-1128).

  3. In accordance with Article 8 of the Accommodation Terms and Conditions, please do not invite or allow anyone other than the registered guests or accompanying persons into your room.

  4. Employees may enter your room or move items under the following circumstances:

    (1) When providing services such as cleaning or room service, if the guest has not express refused entry.(2) When it is suspected that actions violating laws, hotel regulations, public order, or morality may occur or have occurred.

    (3) When instructed by police or fire authorities.

    (4) When necessary for the maintenance of the building or facilities.

    (5) When deemed necessary by the property for checking guests’ safety or securing the premises.

  5. Please check the evacuation route map displayed inside your room.

  6. Please do not remove items from your room without the permission of hotel staff.