Established on July 1, 2024 Kashiwabara Hands Co., Ltd.

Kashiwabara Hands Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") fully recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and handles personal information appropriately in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Personal Information Protection Act). We would like to inform you of the purpose of use of your personal information as follows. Thank you for your understanding.

(The purpose) The purpose of this website is to establish matters to be observed regarding the handling of personal information handled by our company in the course of business and a system for protecting personal information, thereby ensuring the appropriate handling of personal information.

(Applicable people) Applies to all employees.

(Purpose of use) The purpose of use of personal information specified by our company shall be specified as the following services that the person can reasonably expect to use personal information. ・We will contact you via various media such as telephone, e-mail, and mail regarding accommodation and meal reservations, provide business information, and confirm your identity. ・Notification of changes in the provision of services from our company, and changes, suspensions, and contract cancellations of services used by our company ・Provision of information regarding products, services, campaigns, etc. from our company ・Analyzing customer attribute information and sending questionnaires to improve our services and develop new products and services

Our company will publicize the above purpose of use by posting it in an easy-to-see place within the building, posting it on our website, etc.

(Acquisition of personal information) Our company acquires personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the above purposes of use and by lawful and fair means. When acquiring personal information through a written document, we will clearly state the purpose of use mentioned above in the document or attached document before acquiring the personal information. *This includes not only acquiring personal information in writing but also acquiring it on the web.

(Use of personal information) Our company shall use personal information within the necessary scope and in a lawful and fair manner. When handling personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the above purposes of use, we will obtain the consent of the person in advance.

(Ensuring accuracy of data content) Our company strives to keep personal data accurate to the extent necessary for the above purposes of use.

(Provision to third parties) We will not provide your personal information to third parties except in the following cases. If the person has given their consent in advance When disclosing information to a company outsourced by the Company in order to provide the service requested by the customer. When stipulated by law

(Handling of sensitive information) When handling information that includes sensitive personal information (referred to as sensitive information) within the scope necessary for the performance of business, we will obtain the consent of the individual concerned.